The Truth About Cartilage Growth After Rhinoplasty: Debunking Common Misconceptions

As a plastic surgeon with years of experience in rhinoplasty, I have encountered many patients who are curious about the possibility of cartilage growth after the procedure. It is a common misconception that the cartilage in the nose can grow back, but the truth is that it does not. However, there are certain factors that can cause subtle changes in the shape or position of the nose over time. During rhinoplasty, cartilage grafts are often used to achieve the desired shape and structure of the nose. These grafts can integrate into surrounding tissues and undergo changes over time, which may affect the appearance of the nose.

Additionally, genetics play a role in how our noses change as we age. While these changes may be subtle, they are not a result of cartilage growth. However, there is one factor that can dramatically alter the appearance of the nose after rhinoplasty – trauma. Any injury to the nose, whether it be from an accident or even a minor bump, can damage the cartilage, bones, and tissues of the nose. This can result in scar tissue formation, which continues to change the shape of the nose as we age.

So while cartilage does not grow back after rhinoplasty, it can be affected by external factors. If you have undergone rhinoplasty and notice a bump on your nose, it is important to consult with your plastic surgeon. This bump may be a displaced cartilage graft or a result of underlying cartilage that was exposed during surgery. In most cases, this can be easily corrected once any inflammation has subsided. It is also important to note that as we age, our noses do tend to grow larger. This is a natural process and cannot be avoided, even with or without rhinoplasty.

However, this does not mean that your rhinoplasty results will be “reversed”. The changes in the size of your nose are a result of genetics and aging, not cartilage growth. Another common misconception is that non-surgical nose surgery can affect the growth of cartilage. This is not true. Non-surgical nose surgery only affects the appearance of the nose and does not address any underlying respiratory problems.

Additionally, due to the shaving of bones and cartilage during rhinoplasty, there is no possibility of changing the nasal bridge after the procedure. When considering rhinoplasty, it is crucial to choose a highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon who uses the most advanced surgical techniques. The procedure can be performed either through incisions inside the nose or through a small incision at the base of the nose. During surgery, the surgeon will readjust the cartilage or bone under the skin to achieve the desired results.

Vance Bellantoni
Vance Bellantoni

Avid beer fanatic. General social media expert. Wannabe bacon guru. Total travel aficionado. Total coffee guru. Lifelong internet fan.

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