The Truth About Nose Humps and Rhinoplasty

As a plastic surgeon with years of experience in rhinoplasty, I have encountered many patients who are concerned about the possibility of their nose hump growing back after surgery. This is a valid concern, as the nose is a prominent feature on our face and any changes to it can greatly affect our appearance and self-confidence. First and foremost, let me assure you that a dorsal hump cannot “grow back” after it has been removed through rhinoplasty. The procedure involves carefully reshaping the bone and cartilage in the nose to create a more aesthetically pleasing profile. Once this excess tissue is removed, it cannot regenerate or grow back. However, there are some cases where patients may notice a bump-like appearance on their nose after rhinoplasty.

This can be due to two main reasons: calluses and swelling.

Calluses After Rhinoplasty

After the surgical removal of a dorsal hump, some patients may develop calluses in the area where the bone and cartilage were removed. These calluses can give the appearance of a dorsal hump, leading patients to believe that their hump has grown back. In reality, these calluses are just a side effect of the surgery and can easily be addressed by your plastic surgeon.

Swelling and Bruising After Rhinoplasty

Another common side effect of rhinoplasty is bruising and inflammation. This can make the nose appear larger or more prominent than it actually is.

As the swelling subsides and the bruising fades, the true results of the surgery will become more apparent. It is important to be patient during this healing process and trust in your surgeon's expertise. It is also worth noting that some patients may experience an identity crisis after rhinoplasty. For years, they have lived with a bump or hump on their nose and have become accustomed to it. When this feature is suddenly removed, it can take some time for them to adjust to their new appearance.

This is completely normal and should not be a cause for concern.

Revision Rhinoplasty for Restoring a Bulge

In rare cases, a patient may be dissatisfied with the results of their rhinoplasty and wish to restore the bulge on their nose. This is known as revision rhinoplasty and is a more complex procedure than the initial surgery. It involves making incisions on the inside of the nose to access the bone and cartilage and reshape it to create the desired appearance. It is important to note that this type of revision surgery is not the same as correcting a nose deformity in a saddle. This type of surgery is less common and carries its own set of risks and complications, which should be thoroughly researched and evaluated before making a decision.


In conclusion, a nose hump cannot grow back after it has been removed through rhinoplasty.

Any bump-like appearance on the nose after surgery can be attributed to calluses or swelling, which are temporary side effects that can easily be addressed by your plastic surgeon. It is important to have realistic expectations and trust in your surgeon's expertise when undergoing rhinoplasty. And in rare cases where a patient wishes to restore a bulge on their nose, revision rhinoplasty can be considered but should be thoroughly researched and evaluated beforehand.

Vance Bellantoni
Vance Bellantoni

Avid beer fanatic. General social media expert. Wannabe bacon guru. Total travel aficionado. Total coffee guru. Lifelong internet fan.

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