The Role of Cartilage in Rhinoplasty

As a plastic surgeon specializing in rhinoplasty, I have been asked countless times by my patients about the regrowth of cartilage after the procedure. The simple answer is no, cartilage does not grow back after rhinoplasty. However, there are several important factors to consider when it comes to the role of cartilage in nose jobs. During rhinoplasty, cartilage grafts are commonly used to support and shape the nose. These grafts can integrate into surrounding tissues and undergo changes over time, which can cause subtle changes in the shape or position of the nose.

For example, wing contraction or notch can occur when the wing cartilage contracts upward, making the nostrils too visible and causing breathing difficulties. To address these issues, I use special grafts to support the cartilage of the nasal tip, raise the angle of the tip of the nose, and correct a Polly beak deformity. Cartilage is an abundant source of graft material in rhinoplasty and can be extracted from various areas of the body such as the nasal septum, ear, and even the rib in more extreme cases. In some cases, cartilage may also be removed from the nostrils during reduction or ethnic rhinoplasty to reduce nostril dilation and narrow the nose. A deviated septum, which is made up of both bone and cartilage, is often the underlying cause of a crooked nose.

During rhinoplasty, excessive reduction of the nasal bridge can lead to a "chair-shaped" nasal deformity. When it comes to nose tip surgery, I often cut and reshape the atrial cartilage into small pieces before strategically implanting it to alter the projection of the nasal tip. This technique is particularly beneficial for patients with a pinched nose tip, thin nose, crooked nose, wing notch, saddle-like nasal deformity, nasal asymmetry, and respiratory problems. In these cases, cartilage grafts are essential for achieving the desired results and improving breathing function. The ear cartilage is highly malleable and has a natural curvature, making it an ideal option for augmentation and remodeling of the tip of the nose (also known as tip plasty).

This technique is often used to address issues such as augmentation of the nasal bridge, refinement of the tip, and overall reshaping of the nose. Cartilage grafts are also commonly used in post-traumatic nasal surgery to restore the shape and symmetry of the nose and address any functional issues. By using cartilage grafts, we can achieve a more natural-looking result while also improving breathing function. During rhinoplasty, I use an open-nose technique to access the deeper tissues of the nose and better visualize the nasal structures. This allows me to make precise adjustments and achieve optimal results for my patients.

As an experienced otolaryngology surgeon with a passion for rhinoplasty and septoplasty, I have a strong interest in rhinoplasty revision and helping my patients achieve their desired results. In conclusion, while cartilage does not grow back after rhinoplasty, it plays a crucial role in shaping and supporting the nose during the procedure. By using cartilage grafts strategically, we can achieve natural-looking results while also addressing any functional issues. If you are considering rhinoplasty, be sure to consult with a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon who can guide you through the process and help you achieve your desired results.

Vance Bellantoni
Vance Bellantoni

Avid beer fanatic. General social media expert. Wannabe bacon guru. Total travel aficionado. Total coffee guru. Lifelong internet fan.

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